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Contrinex News

Eliminate Costly Defects with Smart Meaurement Sensors

Contrinex Smart Sensors, designed with the needs of OEMs and system integrators in mind, have all the answers when it comes to reducing complexity and cost.


Emco machines significantly reduce production times

GF Casting Solutions relies on the Hyperturn 65 Powermill G2 and the EMCOTURN E65 CNC turning centre. Thomas Klade, team leader of contract manufacturing, reports on the effective operation of the two Emco machines.

HMS Industrial Networks AB

HMS Networks launches Ewon Cloud and Ewon Edge, transforming industrial remote connectivity for large machine fleets

With the introduction of Ewon Cloud and Ewon Edge, HMS Networks strengthens its industrial remote connectivity solutions, delivering scalable, secure connectivity for businesses managing large fleets of machines. This new solution combines HMS Networks’ established expertise with a customer-centric approach, enabling operators to streamline machine monitoring and maximize operational efficiency.

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