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Sensopart News

Intelligent vision sensor simplifies image-guided robotics

SensoPart’s latest software update for its VISOR® Robotic vision sensor makes the setup of robotics applications even simpler and more flexible.

Draeger News

New multi-gas detector X-act 7000

– Concentrations of hazardous substances in the ambientair at the workplace should not exceed specified limit values. Monitoring these sometimes very low values is a demanding task. The focus of the Dräger Xact 7000, in combination with the Dräger MicroTubes for different gases and vapors, is to measure carcinogenic and toxic substances in the lower ppb range.

NORD Drivesystems

Technical innovation in mixing and agitation processes

NORD MAXXDRIVE® industrial gear units are an excellent choice for use in large mixers. With the SAFOMI adapter, NORD is presenting a technical innovation in this field of application: a flange with an integrated oil expansion tank, increasing operational reliability and requiring fewer wearing parts. MAXXDRIVE® industrial gear units have been part of the NORD product range for more than ten years and have proven themselves in countless applications throughout the world. They offer high output torques from 15 to 250 kNm and ensure smooth operation even under demanding conditions.

Comau News


Now that industrial activities are resuming after the Covid-19 pandemic, Comau launches “Smart Digital Restart” in collaboration with Microsoft, supporting companies by providing in.Grid/Link, a new web app for the remote monitoring and diagnostics of its robots and machining centers. A light version of the application will be available for free for a period of six months, first in Italy and then in other countries.

NUM News

Powerful new software from NUM provides manufacturers of CNC cylindrical grinding machines with an elegant means of adding non-circular grinding capabilities to their products – without incurring significant development time and cost

Non-circular grinding is used in a wide variety of automated manufacturing applications, such as the production of camshafts, crankshafts, cams and eccentric shafts. However, it is an extremely complex task, because the non-circular contour leads to constantly changing engagement and movement conditions between the grinding wheel and the workpiece.

Bauer gears News

Specifying geared motors to reduce HACCP risk factors

Geared motors are found throughout food and beverage production sites, used to drive conveyor belts, stirrers & agitators, packaging machinery and other equipment along the production line. The geared motor design lends itself to energy efficiency and reliability, a must for any modern production facility. However, the food & beverage industry also requires strict hygiene compliance, meaning that specialised geared motors are a wise choice for such facilities.

Liebherr News

Liebherr is starting sales of the new self-service concrete plant

Its market launch will commence in summer 2020. Offer quick and easy access to high quality concrete: The new self-service concrete plant from Liebherr makes this possible. It gives building material suppliers a unique opportunity to supply their customers, such as small professional buyers or DIYers, in a flexible manner. Due to the adjustable concrete discharge, the concrete can be collected by anything from small trailers right up to large truck mixers.

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