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GE News

Take Me Higher: 3D-Printed Concrete Could Give Wind Turbines A Powerful Lift

Ever since Charles Brush built the first wind-powered generator in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1887, engineers have been looking for a practical way to squeeze more power out of wind turbines, stretching their blades and making them grow taller.

Siemens News

Siemens extends Xcelerator portfolio to help transform electrical/electronic systems development

Siemens Digital Industries Software announces today an expanded Capital electrical/electronic (E/E) systems development software portfolio. Building upon leading Capital capabilities for design, manufacture and service of electrical systems, the portfolio is now expanded to encompass E/E system and software architectures, network communications and embedded software development.

Sandvik News

Bridging the divide – together

The partnership between Sandvik and Cisco Systems is a match made in mining heaven, delivering productivity and safety improvements to underground mines everywhere.

Elesa + Ganter News

Extensions for any application

Telescopic slides from Elesa+Ganter offer smooth running, wear-free and quiet linear motion. They are used in a very wide range of applications. The spectrum ranges from the most simple extensions and drawers to high-quality variants that are used in the industrial environment on machines, production systems, and equipment. The telescopic slides have a multitude of positive features and are still very interesting from an economic standpoint.

Voith News

Voith presents innovative electric Voith Schneider Propeller

With the new electric Voith Schneider Propeller (eVSP), Voith is pushing ahead with the continuous electrification of its proven drive technologies, thus meeting the growing demand for resource-saving and energy-efficient mobility as well as future-oriented mobility concepts. Among the advantages of the new eVSP are high efficiency and the reduction of complexity, since the permanent-magnet synchronous motor is already integrated in the propeller. The complete omission of gears reduces noise to a minimum and frees up critical space on the ship.

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