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Leadec News

Building the future of manufacturing: Leadec joins Open Manufacturing Platform

Leadec, the leading global service specialist for factories across their entire life cycle, has joined the Open Manufacturing Platform (OMP). By becoming a member of this alliance, Leadec will help its customers to solve high-priority challenges on the way towards smart manufacturing and Industry 4.0.

Molex News

Molex Unveils Results of Global ‘State of 5G’ Survey

Molex, a leading global connectivity and electronics solutions provider, released results of a global survey of decision makers from telecom carriers exploring the “state of 5G” and the significant transformational opportunities it presents, along with its impact on deployment progress, current delivery challenges and emerging business prospects.

Ametek News

Creaform Releases the HandySCAN 3DTM - SILVER Line-Up

The addition of the SILVER series to the renowned line of handheld 3D scanners will enable professionals and small businesses to improve product development, shorten time-to-market, and reduce development costs.

KTR News

BAK aluminium tank in a new size

We have extended our production programme of aluminium tanks.

Promo-Bot News


A new office of the company is now operating in the East Asia region. It is tasked with improving the quality of the appearance of Robo-C humanoid robots. The company attracted funding from the Far Eastern investment fund, which invested $2,3 million in Robo-C’s parent company in April 2020.

autoVimation News

Protective camera enclosure for Intel® RealSense D455

autoVimation expands its Chameleon XS enclosure series for the Intel® RealSense Depth Camera family, adding a new enclosure for the D455 camera.


Rugged signal lamp with stainless steel collar and red/green LED

RAFI is expanding its rugged RAFIX 22 FSR control component range with a signal lamp featuring a stainless steel collar with IP65, IP67 and IP69 degree of protection to the front side.

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