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Upgrading automation devices with TSN connectivity

Businesses driving their digital transformation journeys are demanding access to all data in their manufacturing systems. This requires the combination of IT and OT networks, selecting Ethernet as a backbone, and enabling automation devices with Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) communications.

Dunkermotoren News


Full concentration prevails before the start. Finally, the lights switch to green, and the bob is accelerated with all available power of the four sprinters who need to run completely synchronously. The starting phase only takes some seconds. Then, the pilots disappear aerodynamically behind the fairing. Often, a good start decides about succeeding or losing the competition. After the starting phase, the gravitation is taking over the further acceleration.

Inmoco News

Inmoco Celera’s Miniature inductive encoder is lightweight and accurate for robotic joints

Celera Motion has released a new range of miniature PCB-based ring encoders for robotic joints. Ideally suited to surgical applications with a hollow bore design to fit into rotary actuators, the IncOder Core non-contact absolute encoder is metal-free and extremely lightweight.

Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence News

Hexagon launches disruptive open innovation start-up platform to accelerate technology commercialisation in global manufacturing industry

‘Sixth Sense’ scaling platform to take start-ups’ advanced tech and products from Minimum Viable Product to global commercialisation, leading the way for more open innovation in the Smart Manufacturing space and solving higher complexity problems for the industry.

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