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Dunkermotoren News

MAE presents the BL 89 SI AC high-speed motor

With the BL 89 SI AC motor, MAE presents a high-speed motor that offers many functions thanks to the integrated electronics.

Nexcom News

Discover New Edge Opportunities with NEXCOM’s Professional uCPE

NEXCOM, a leading supplier of network appliances, reveals its new 1U Intel-based rackmount – FTA 5180; delivering high-performance network connectivity. It is a part of the nexCPE product line and is targeted to manage extensive workloads.

ST News

Advanced MEMS sensors from STMicroelectronics power-up the Onlife era

STMicroelectronics, a global semiconductor leader serving customers across the spectrum of electronics applications and a top manufacturer of micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS), is introducing its third generation of MEMS sensors.

Fanuc News

FANUC Expands Line of CRX Collaborative Robots

FANUC has introduced the new CRX-5iA, CRX-20iA/L and CRX-25iA collaborative robots, the latest additions to its popular CRX series.

TME News

Further Product Lines Added to TME’s Power & Sensor Offerings

Transfer Multisort Elektronik (TME) continues to expand the variety of applications it is able to address by adding to the range of products available through its distribution network.

Gemu Group News

New variety of GEMÜ eSyLite motorized actuator Expanded valve selection offers new opportunities in plant engineering

The valve specialist GEMÜ is expanding its valve selection for the GEMÜ eSyLite motorized actuator with three further valve types. With the larger selection of electrical valves, plant engineers and operators find a tailor-made solution even more easily.

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