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Omniflex News

Omniflex: Maximum flexibility for radiation monitoring

No industrial sector is as highly regulated as the nuclear sector in terms of the mission-critical safety systems required to maintain operations. Here Gary Bradshaw, director of remote monitoring specialist Omniflex, discusses how nuclear plant managers can implement cost-effective, flexible radiation monitoring systems to comply with increasing data acquisition needs.

Addup News

AddUp announces the FormUp® 350 Evolution for printing parts up to 1 meter tall

The ability to print large metal parts is in high demand in the aeronautics, space, defense, and energy sectors. AddUp responds to this need with the announcement of a new FormUp® 350 Evolution machine, which will allow for parts up to 1 meter tall to be printed with very high levels of productivity.


Dr. Achim Feinauer is CEO at Hainbuch

He started at the workholding technology manufacturer in Marbach in November.

Meltio News

Meltio Partners With 12 Most Innovative Worldwide Software Companies To Adopt Hybrid And Robotic Additive Manufacturing

This new ecosystem signed with leading software companies to foster the Meltio Engine CNC and Robot Integrations offers its customers the broadest and most compelling software portfolio to industrialize Meltio’s metal additive manufacturing process.

Antaira News

Antaira: A New Vision For Robotics, Gives Industrial Robots Human-like Functions

General Motors (GM) incorporated the world’s first robots into an assembly process back in 1962. Although primitive by today’s standards, these robots opened new possibilities by performing dull, repetitive tasks automatically and more accurately than humans.

Sysgo News

SYSGO: PikeOS achieves Common Criteria (CC) level EAL5+ Security Certification

SYSGO has responded to the increased cybersecurity threat level: Separation Kernel PikeOS 5.1.3. has attained the most widely accepted security certification standard Common Criteria (CC), also known as ISO 15408, at level EAL 5+ for the leading application processor architectures ARMv8, x86-64 and PPC.

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