Cycloidal gears and strain wave gears are an unbeatable pair
The product portfolio of Nabtesco Precision Europe GmbH includes both technologies and Nabtesco is the only manufacturer in the world to offer a torque spectrum from 7 to 70,000 Nm.

Cycloidal gears and strain wave gears complement each other ideally to create a genuine dream team for robotics and automation. They achieve the optimum in performance and are the key to maximum efficiency, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness.
Virtually every application, machine or system contains larger and smaller axes. The choice of gears significantly affects the performance of the robot or automation system. If precision is a central requirement, precision gears are essential. While various technologies are available on the market, only cycloidal gears and strain wave gears meet the most stringent requirements for precision, torque capacity, and torque density. This results in impressive performance, especially when used in combination. If the larger axes of a robot or machine are equipped with cycloidal gears and the smaller axes in the vicinity of the end effector with strain wave gears, this combination achieves the best possible precision from all interlinked axes. Cycloidal gears and strain wave gears are a genuine dream team for robotics & automation.
Cycloidal and strain wave gears from a single source
Nabtesco Precision Europe GmbH is a leading global enterprise specialising in the production of precision gears. The product portfolio comprises both cycloidal gears and strain wave gears – developed and manufactured at the Ovalo GmbH location in Limburg / Lahn – making it the most extensive and most diverse precision gear portfolio on the market. Full scalability from 7 to 70,000 Nm guarantees a seamless gear strategy, as well as optimally matched systems. The result: maximum performance, more efficient processes, perfect compatibility, and optimal cost-effectiveness. Having only one point of contact for all gears makes it possible to optimise engineering processes and speed up development cycles.
A well-coordinated team
A typical application for the precision duo is the 6-axis robot. Axes 1 through 3 are generally equipped with cycloidal gears. The hand axes 4 to 6 often use strain wave gears (in smaller cobots, the other axes as well). This achieves the utmost in precision, outstanding dynamics, and maximum efficiency. Also in machine tool construction the combined use of both technologies also results in optimal processes. While the high-torque cycloidal gears in the rotary table ensure pin-point positioning of the components, the zero backlash strain wave gears in the tool head provide for absolute machining precision. The results are similar in laser and water jet cutting machines. The large axis with the machining table is perfect for cycloidal gears, and the machining head that guides the laser or water jet is the ideal place to use the small strain wave gears. Other applications that benefit from the combined strength of the precision gears include C-arm scanners in medical technology, aerials, rotary indexers, milling machines, and welding positioners.
Comprehensive consulting and engineering services
Of course, cycloidal and strain wave gears from Nabtesco Precision Europe are also available separately. The high-performance gears are also advantageous when used on their own. Usually, geometric size is the decisive criterion for or against one of the two technologies. But there is also an area where both types of gears can be used. Which one is the suitable technology depends on the customer application. Nabtesco is familiar with the specific challenges and offers comprehensive consulting and engineering services, as well as full support from design engineering to assembly.
Bundled power
Whether the application is robotics, machine tool construction, medical technology, logistics, mobility, pick & place, handling or positioning: The combination of cycloidal gears and strain wave gears opens up new possibilities in terms of precision, power density, and integration, and is a guarantee for efficient, future-proof processes.