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Webinar: 7 Steps to Develop a PROFINET Device

PROFINET: the open, cross-vendor Industrial Ethernet standard for discrete, motion control, and process automation.

Webinar: 7 Steps to Develop a PROFINET Device

There are many ways to add a PROFINET interface to an automation device, that it may seem daunting to know where to start. The starting point depends on the type of product, its existing design, quantity expected, and time to market needed.

Our colleagues in PI North America are presenting this free-to-attend webinar to address these issues and more.

This webinar will give you an overview of the 7 steps to embed PROFINET in your product.


  • Real-time requirements
  • PROFINET conformance classes
  • Implementation options
  • Development paths
  • Development partners
  • GSD file
  • Product certification
  • Market launch
  • Live Q&A

Host: PROFIBUS and PROFINET North America and the PROFI Interface Center
Date: Thursday, September 10th
Time: 10:00 AM, MST (Mountain Summer Time, as in Arizona, USA)
Cost: Free

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