The CC-Link Partner Association (CLPA) (headquarters: Nagoya, Japan), which promotes the widespread usage of the CC-Link open industrial network family1 , today announced that Analog Devices, Inc. (ADI) (headquarters: Massachusetts, USA) has become a CLPA Board Member.
The LEMO B Series offers a modular, ergonomic, rugged and reliable circular multipole connector for applications needing quick and secure Push-Pull latching. Making it an ideal choice for test and measurement, instrumentation, medical devices, research and audio/video applications.
The CC-Link Partner Association (CLPA) has announced the immediate availability of a white paper on Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) at “Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) –The Case For Action Now” provides an in-depth analysis of what the technology is and why it is crucial to create Connected Factories.
Centrically compensating 4-jaw chucks are used for clamping a wide range of workpiece geometries precisely and efficiently on mill/turn centers: round as well as square, rectangular or geometrically unshaped.