For the past four years a hot rolling mill at a steel plant in Spain had been experiencing unexpectedly short bearing life, leading to costly production stoppages. As a result, the plant worked closely with the Technical Department at leading bearing specialist NSK to assess the application and propose and implement a solution based on high-performance spherical roller bearings. By adopting the recommendations set forward by NSK, the steel plant is now saving €69,803 per annum in reduced costs for downtime, maintenance, bearings and lubrication.
One of the more difficult aspects of evaluating and specifying linear motion products is figuring out the difference between axial and radial load ratings. Because axial load ratings are typically much lower than radial load ratings, it’s important to understand the characteristics of both types of loads so you can compare the ratings with confidence.
The US-China trade war, coupled with the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic around the world, has triggered a series of technological and financial wrestling, and to restart the growth momentum of enterprises at this moment has become an arduous challenge. CommonWealth Magazine uses 2020 revenue in the range of 100 million to 10 billion and three consecutive years of profit growth as the screening criteria. Industrial computer leader, DFI, has a revenue of NT$8.35 billion (equivalent to 300 million U.S. dollars), an annual increase of 18.8%. Due to these good results, DFI has been ranked amongst the Fast 100 in CommonWealth Magazine for two consecutive years.
Obtain a fast, comprehensive overview of a plant: that’s the purpose of Pilz’s web-based visualisation software PASvisu. The new version of PASvisu now also supports the Modbus/TCP protocol. The protocol enables all controllers to be connected quickly, along with other industrial components. The update also includes a secure Client/Server connection, enabling data from the PASvisu Server to be transferred safely to the user's visualisation system.
In September, KEBA will again be represented with a booth in three countries: In Switzerland at SINDEX, in the USA at FABTECH, and in Germany at Husum Wind. In India, visitors to the virtual AUTOMATION EXPO CONNECT will have the opportunity to speak live with the KEBA team.
CloudRail has collaborated with Microsoft to lower the entry barriers for Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) solutions. While IIoT is highly recognized as a best practice within the enterprise sector, many companies struggle with its realization. Physically connecting industrial assets to the cloud remains complex and time-consuming.
Advantech, leader in industrial Internet of Things (IoT) edge systems and embedded platforms, and Lynx Software Technologies, a leader in mission critical edge, security and functional safety, have partnered to offer multiple Mission Critical Edge Starter Kit options that enable the convergence of IT (Information Technology) and OT (Operational Technology).
Look at every stage of the development of COVID-19 vaccines and you will find a commonality — automation. From genome sequencing to clinical trials and mass production, the development speed was made possible using highly repeatable automated processes.
onsemi(Nasdaq: ON) announced that its global shutter AR0234CS 2.3 MP CMOS image sensor has won a Most Innovative Value Product Award from the 2021 China AI Outstanding Innovation Awards program.