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Quick and easy roller rail system with optional temperature control function from Bosch Rexroth

High-precision machine tools: configuring temperature- controlled linear guides onlineQuick and easy roller rail system with optional temperature control function from Bosch Rexroth.
Quick and easy roller rail system with optional temperature control function from Bosch Rexroth
New in the online configurator for guide rails from Bosch Rexroth: roller rail systems with patented TCRS temperature control option for high-precision machine tools.

Modern linear motion technology contributes to the competitiveness of machine tool construction. With the patented temperature control option for guide rails, Bosch Rexroth offers an integrated approach, with which high-precision machining can be carried out even more precisely, more reliably, and more efficiently without the need for additional installation space. The unique solution on the market, which is also suitable for retrofits and modular machine concepts, is now available in the Rexroth online configurator for guide rails.

The patented Thermo Compensating Rail System (TCRS) from Bosch Rexroth offers machine tool manufacturers and their service teams an economical temperature control function for new and existing machines. The TCRS variant’s integrated cooling channels enable the thermal properties of the linear guide and drive components involved in the process to be improved cost-effectively in the same installation space, for instance in high-speed and precision milling.

Bosch Rexroth’s patented temperature control option can stabilize machining processes and increase precision by up to 75 percent. In addition, it can also avoid rejects, save on materials, and shorten cycle times. Manufacturers can also offer optional performance and retrofit packages with TCRS to increase the efficiency of their machine series.

Digital engineering in the online configurator
The online guide rail configurator can select the cost-effective temperature control option quickly and easily. The four sizes from 35 to 65 are available in two formats with and without groove. Optional deflection pockets allow the cooling lines to be angled 180° inside the rail. After configuration, the CAD data and technical documentation can be downloaded free of charge and the profiled rail can be ordered directly from the Rexroth online shop.

The TCRS option in the online configurator is initially shown for roller rail systems and the option for ball rail systems is coming soon. The runner blocks are the same for rails with and without TCRS and can also be configured online.

Integrated measuring system for the highest requirements
Bosch Rexroth also supplies the TCRS rails with the IMS Integrated Measuring System on request. This allows the three functions of guiding, measuring and temperature control to be combined in a space-saving and retrofittable solution. Machine tools can thus achieve maximum precision with minimal structural design and operating costs.

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