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Procentec News

Procentec’s Launches: The First Line of Defence for Your Industrial Network

Where do you go to shore up your industrial network defences? It seems the answer is Procentec, one of the world’s leading producers of diagnostic and monitoring tools for PROFIBUS, PROFINET, EtherNet/IP and EtherCAT.

Throughout the day, the Dutch developer will be revealing four major solutions and a wide subset of Osiris features, all of them focusing on network security monitoring. As with their previous product launch, today’s event will be conducted online, and engineers, technicians and managers around the world will be attending.

Each of Procentec’s releases fulfil different security tasks. Uniquely, they tackle both external and internal breaches. This will be welcome news to those concerned about threats not only from hackers and malware but also from those with legitimate access to their networks.

Pieter Barendrecht, CEO of Procentec, is excited about the launch. “These days, accidental or intentional sabotage is a huge worry for anyone who relies on an industrial network for their automated processes. Whether it’s a mistake due to inexperience with a task or protocol, or an action designed to inflict damage, it can lead to production downtime. And that hurts.”

The four headliners of the launch are as innovative as they are practical. First up is Security License, which permanently monitors changes to industrial networks that are either air-gapped from or linked to the internet. By providing centralized visibility and control, it helps network managers respond much more quickly to security vulnerabilities.

“Now that many industrial networks are integrated with IT and the internet, a lot of attention is given to intrusions from the outside world,” explains Barendrecht. “But a significant proportion of intrusions are unfortunately carried out by workforce members. So, we developed Security License to unmask both external and internal threats.”

Next up is Network Compare. This gives Ethernet-based networks an added layer of security by permanently monitoring for any changes after a status snapshot has been taken. If a change occurs subsequently, it sends out a variety of alerts, giving network managers time to act in an appropriate and timely manner.

The two other stars of the show are LockBox and SeeVerify. The former is a blockchain-based platform that provides a centrally controlled catalogue of approved firmware, the aim of which is to overcome the persistent problem of unverified and randomly downloaded software. The latter is an interactive tool that guides field technicians through routine and not-so routine tasks and that ensures key maintenance tasks are done and best practice is always followed.

Several new Osiris features, which also focus on security issues, will be demonstrated as well. “We know how vital it is to protect industrial networks against attacks, no matter where they come from,” continues Barendrecht. “That’s why we want to become the automated industry’s go-to place for OT network security. Together, our new releases provide a network’s first line of defence.”

If you’re keen to raise the level of your network’s protection from internal and external threats, but you haven’t yet registered for the virtual product launch, you’re not too late. You can still sign up on Procentec’s website.

In addition to learning more about these innovative security solutions, you can listen to a discussion on why security in OT and IT environments is so different, hear about Procentec’s new Training Academy, listen to the Procentec FM Radio station, and join CEO Pieter Barendrecht and others at the traditional rooftop BBQ. Admission to the event is free.

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