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Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence News
New plugin allows complete control of measurement with Hexagon structured light scanners from within leading metrology platform PolyWorks.

Hexagon’s Manufacturing Intelligence division today announced the launch of a new software plugin that will allow full operation of Hexagon structured light scanning systems from within the powerful third-party inspection software platform PolyWorks, developed by InnovMetric Software Inc. This represents the first implementation of a new SDK released by Hexagon that allows a third-party software environment to take full hardware control of any of the company’s range of structured light scanners.
The SLS-PW Plugin and any subsequently developed plugins will let users streamline their scanning and inspection workflow into a single software environment, with clear productivity benefits. The increased efficiency of a single platform workflow will reduce inspection times by eliminating the need to export and import measurement data between separate programs, as well as by minimising training needs.
“The need to use proprietary standalone software solutions to operate structured light scanning systems is an issue faced by users across the industry, whether they are using scanners from Hexagon or other manufacturers,” says Dirk Rieke-Zapp, Commercial Product Manager Structured Light Scanners at Hexagon. “With the development of this new SDK for our range of structured light scanners, we’re making it possible for users to deeply integrate this type of high-detail scanning within their existing metrology workflows by completely removing the need to insert proprietary software at the measurement step of the inspection process.”
When added to the existing versatility of the PolyWorks platform, the SLS-PW Plugin delivers a flexible solution for companies that run a range of metrology hardware and wish to simplify their workflows. As well as avoiding the need to transfer structured light scanning data between programs, the plugin means that a single program can now be used to perform measurement and inspection tasks with devices as varied as structured light scanners, trackers, portable measuring arms and CMMs.
“PolyWorks is one of the most important and widely used metrology software packages on the market,” explains Rieke-Zapp. “The development of the SLS-PW Plugin will allow the many users of PolyWorks around the world to integrate our scanning technology on a deeper and more intuitive level than is possible with any other optical 3D scanning system. And we hope that we’ll soon be able to announce the release of plugins for other leading metrology software platforms.”
“This joint collaborative project, for which we significantly extended the capabilities of the PolyWorksInspector’s SDK, reflects a vision shared by InnovMetric and Hexagon that the 3D metrology market needs more open and interoperable solutions, as industrial manufacturing organisations transition to digital processes,” adds Marc Soucy, Co-Founder and President of InnovMetric,
Hexagon’s range of structured light scanners remain fully compatible with and supported by the dedicated OptoCat structured light scanning software solution, which until now has been required for operating these systems. The SLS-PW Plugin is aimed at users already invested in the popular PolyWorks environment and who would see significant productivity improvements through being able to switch to a single software solution. Hexagon foresees the development of equivalent plugins for other leading metrology software platforms, including Hexagon’s own Inspire and VISI Reverse platforms, or Geomagic Design X from 3D Systems.
Hexagon’s SLS-PW Plugin is available immediately and compatible with StereoScan neo, SmartScan and PrimeScan structured light scanner models from Hexagon. It will be available with all new scanners, and as an update for use with already purchased scanners. Contact a local Hexagon representative for more information.