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Comau News
The innovative wearable technology that supports operators at work is on display at the Bologna Construction Fair, from October 14th – 17th.

Comau is showcasing the MATE exoskeleton at SAIE 2020, the Construction Fair held in Bologna from the 14th through the 17th of October, in Salone Edilizia (Building Hall), Pavilion 25, Stand C69. To meet the working needs of companies in the sector, Comau experts will present the features and potential of MATE, a wearable, lightweight, breathable and washable device designed to support and facilitate the work of operators who must keep their arms raised in a non-ergonomic manner for long periods of time.
On Wednesday October 14th from 10:30 am to 11:15 am, Comau will be a protagonist at the Piazza Sicurezza in Cantiere area (worksite safety) with the theme "COMAU MATE Fit for Workers: the new wearable technology".
MATE is an exoskeleton that uses an advanced passive structure to provide extremely effective support of the wearer's upper limbs, without the need for batteries, electric motors or other devices that are often subject to failure. By reducing muscle fatigue at shoulder level during work, MATE reduces one of the risk factors that lead to the development of musculoskeletal diseases. In general, thanks to the constant movement assistance offered during manual and repetitive activities, the MATE exoskeleton guarantees both high comfort for the operator together with greater work efficiency and quality.
Comau, a world leader in the development of advanced products and systems for industrial automation, has produced and marketed MATE in partnership with ÖSSUR, leader in the field of non-invasive orthopedic devices, and IUVO, spin-off company of the Institute of BioRobotics (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna) specialized in wearable technologies. A fundamental aspect of this collaboration has been the joint desire to advance and evolve man-machine collaboration in different sectors, including biomedical, industrial production and consumer businesses.
In line with the current health emergency, the theme of the 2020 edition of SAIE is "Riparti Italia" (Restart Italy), with the aim of helping the construction system - companies, professionals and associations - restart the entire supply chain in total safety, taking stock of technological innovation and new market opportunities.