Premiere: DMG MORI celebrates the trends and innovations as well as innovative products and solutions with virtual live presentations and a digital showroom a class of its own.

DMG MORI DIGITAL EVENT: From 6th to 9th October 2020, DMG MORI will be celebrating its trends and innovations as well as innovative products and solutions digitally – with virtual live speeches and a digital showroom a class of its own
Four days, around the globe and more than 20 live shows in four languages – from 6th to 9th October 2020, DMG MORI will enter the digital stage. With the premiere of the DMG MORI DIGITAL EVENT, the machine tool manufacturer offers visitors an interactive platform to experience the latest developments live and virtually. DMG MORI is thus emphasizing its digital orientation. The DMG MORI DIGITAL EVENT begins on 6th October with a virtual firework display of trends and innovations, as well as products and solutions in German.
Christian Thönes, Chairman of the Executive Board of DMG MORI AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT, will open the event with his keynote speech. 7th October is scheduled the live presentations in English, followed by presentations for Japan and the USA in the following days. The focus topics include customized automation solutions, digitization, cutting and additive machining processes – also for medical technology – and groundbreaking product and service solutions with customer-oriented financing options. Visitors can look forward to a virtual showroom in a class of its own: a total of 17 high-tech machines and automation solutions can be examined in detail – most notably the world premiere DMF 2008 and Robo2Go Milling as an innovation in the automation sector.
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Live, digital and interactive – but also typical DMG MORI. We will use our experience and step into the digital world – taking advantage of the benefits this new virtual platform offers to us.
Irene Bader, Director DMG MORI Global Marketing
Virtual live presentations with discussion forum
"Live, digital and interactive – but also typical DMG MORI. We will use our experience and step into the digital world – taking advantage of the benefits this new virtual platform offers to us,” emphasizes Irene Bader, Director DMG MORI Global Marketing. As an integrated 360° solution provider, DMG MORI consistently focuses on the further development of digital trends in machine tool construction. In the future, this will also include the presentation of new products and solutions, as impressively demonstrated by the DMG MORI DIGITAL EVENT and its digital stage. On the innovative virtual platform, the heart of the event, DMG MORI will present its innovations and visions in the most important focus topics.
DMG MORI will present its latest developments in over 20 live presentations per day. In the important future field of automation, exciting insights into productive and user-friendly workpiece and pallet handling as well as turnkey solutions from DMG MORI will be demonstrated. Another focus is the area of digitization for the present and the future with the products Digital Manufacturing Package, TULIP and Planning and Control. During the live presentations, participants will have the opportunity to discuss the respective topics live in a chat with the experts.
- Kickoff: Keynote Speech by Christian Thönes, Chairman of the Executive Board of DMG MORI AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT
- Digitization: Flexible entry into digitization
- Automation: The right automation for every machine
- ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING: End-to-end competence from the design stage to the finished part
- DMG MORI Medical Excellence: Medical technology know-how for customized manufacturing solutions
- Service: High availability real and digital
- DMG MORI Finance: Strong partner with attractive financing models
Machine presentation in the virtual world
A total of 17 high-tech machines and automation solutions can be examined in detail in the virtual showroom – most notably the world premiere DMF 2008 and Robo2Go Milling as an innovation in the automation sector.
To enable visitors during the DMG MORI DIGITAL EVENT to experience modern manufacturing technologies live, DMG MORI has created a virtual world in which products and solutions can be experienced digitally. During the Digital Event, visitors can also access the Japanese showroom in Iga with an additional click. Customers are invited to make appointments with their personal contact and experts before and during the DMG MORI DIGITAL EVENT to explore the new virtual world together during an ONE-to-ONE session. At the start, the showroom will comprise 17 machine tools including automation solutions, which are shown in detail as true-to-life 3D models. In addition, DMG MORI will display an automation solution in the form of Robo2Go, which is now being used for the first time in the milling sector – on a DMU 50 3rd Generation. The DMF 2008 travelling column machine will also be presented as a world premiere. In the future, DMG MORI will continuously expand the virtual showroom.
- 17 High-tech machines and automation solutions
- World premiere: DMF 2008 – Innovative concept in the travelling column series
- Innovation: Robo2Go Milling – Ultimate milling automation for maximum application flexibility with the easiest programming
World premiere: DMF 2008 – Innovative concept in the travelling column series
In the 5-axis machining of long workpieces, the new DMF 2008 continues a success story that DMG MORI has been writing for over 18 years with over 2,700 travelling column machines installed. The innovative and stable machine concept of the DMF 2008 – DMG MORI presents the world premiere in the virtual showroom – ensures maximum flexibility and productivity in key industries such as die & mold, aerospace or Job Shop sector, right through to medical technology. With a rigid table measuring 2,300 x 850 mm and traverse paths of up to 2,000x800x850 mm, the DMF 2008 offers users sufficient scope to economically machine long structural components or mold inserts. The table load is 2,000 kg. DMG MORI has optimized the available space during the development of the new machine concept by means of an innovative tool change, and has increased it by over 50 percent compared to the previous model. A comprehensive modular system allows application-oriented configurations and thus optimal manufacturing solutions for every application.
World premiere 2020: In the 5-axis machining of long workpieces, the DMF 2008 continues its success story among travelling column machines.
DMG MORI DIGITAL EVENT: Virtual world with real interaction
During a time when physical events for personal contact opportunities are hardly possible, DMG MORI demonstrates an impressive alternative with the DMG MORI DIGITAL EVENT. In a virtual world and with live presentations tailored to the markets, the machine tool manufacturer will reach its worldwide customers during the period ot the event – digitally and interactively. The DMG MORI DIGITAL EVENT thus proves to be an additional route.