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Progea News
Movicon.NExT 4.0 is the new industrial software platform that offers the most innovative and flexible software technologies for Windows/Linux HMI projects, for SCADA supervisors and for efficiency and MES analysis solutions, indispensable for Industry 4.0.

Progea SCADA/HMI/MES platform has evolved to integrate even more User Experience and User Interface, focusing strongly on these four aspects:
- Flexibility – a new SVG and WebHMI Web Client technology, an enhanced FBD Editor has been integrated and the NExT Project Builder has been extended.
- Usability – the Workspace has been streamlined, becoming more intuitive, easier to navigate, more customizable. The automation of the project Wizard has been improved, as well as the Help, revised and expanded. A new Cross-Reference.
- Security– new features have been added to the User Management and the ClickOnce Setup is still present in the new version.
- Performance – the new Driver base classes have been improved by over 200% in efficiency and speed. Furthermore, in the presence of a large number of objects inside the synoptic, there is a better fluidity. The parameterization of the synoptics has been improved, as has the management of recipes, historians and alarms.
But what are the main new features of the new 4.0 version? Let’s find out together in detail.
An even more scalable architecture
With the introduction of the new SVG Web Client technology and support for WebHMI projects, which can also be run on small Windows or Linux devices, and can always be carried out with the same Movicon.NExT 4.0 environment, the flexibility of the platform further increases, making version 4.0 the most scalable SCADA/HMI/MES product on the market.
The New Project wizards have been improved and extended
In their functionality and now accessible from the startup window or from the system menu:
Local project, Distributed project, Redundancy project. All main configuration parameters, including communication transports, are already preset.
Style: Light or Dark?
The development environment can be viewed in light or dark mode, according to the system settings. The look, as well as the icons and images, adapts to the chosen setting simply by restarting the application.
A new development environment
The Movicon.NExT 4.0 development environment has been streamlined and redesigned based on these three criteria: Usability, Intuitiveness and Performance.
Reorganization of the System Menus
Ribbons in the previous version have been eliminated, replaced by Toolbars and a consequent reorganization of the System Menus with a view to simplicity and intuitiveness.
In particular, the Menus have an enabling and disabling of the commands according to the context. In addition, a special search and command execution box has been inserted.
A new Windows layout
A configurable window layout with saving possibilities, for a more comfortable and personalized management of the development environment. It is therefore possible to define multiple Layouts depending on the work mode, and it is possible to transfer a Layout configuration from one computer to another.
Particular attention to the new Easy Mode: all components of the development environment adapt by simplifying the work area, hiding the detailed and less used features.
An improved Symbol Library
The interface of the Movicon.NExT 4.0 Symbol Library has been improved.
The libraries have been rationalized: now only the System Library and the Project Library are present.
System Library: the “Digital” and “Analog” tabs are shown only if necessary.
Project Library: simplified insertion of a custom symbol (fewer mouse clicks)
Improved Animation and Command settings
The interface of the Graphic Animation or Command Settings assignment windows has been improved, by improving the navigation commands within the synoptics and simplifying the lists and their settings.
Screen editing has been simplified
A new context menu for objects has been created. It groups together all the functions of the selected element, even those of the “Adorner” menus.
It also allows a clear and quick editing of the object name.
The Object Explorer and Tag List Explorer windows have been redesigned and simplified, and the Status Bar has been revised, with the possibility now to specify the size and positioning of the objects on the synoptic.
Enhanced Project Explorer
The project explorer window now allows to explore and edit the I/O Data Server resources without having to open a new edit window. Improved performances when there are many items to show, thus the 200 items limit per group/folder on version 3.4 has now been removed. In addition, contextual menus have been inserted for the various resources. Full keyboard support for navigating the project’s tree elements: arrow keys and quick search by typing the item’s initials.
A redesigned Property Window
The management of the Properties of Objects and Resources is revised, simplifying access and searching for properties through logical groupings, orders, and other simplifications, such as:
«Advanced» properties subgroup, sorting by «Priority», new color selection panel, faster editing of Tag’s I/O address, improved performances when populating properties upon selection of an object, removed all popups when inserting a new object, with automatic display of the properties window. Reorganised the command and animation windows, graphic revision of «smart properties» for complex objects
Enhanced I/O Data Server Editor
Fast exploration of Tags, with no more limits (no more limited to max. 200 tags per folder).
The Settings Tab has been reorganized: Settings, Transport, Status, and SQLite support has been integrated: the compact database that does not require the installation of SQL Server is ideal for small applications.
Improved I/O Data Server Tag Editor
Hierarchy view with the Tag icons representing the data type In-line editing in the Tag Table View, Find / Replace function, fast and unconstrained tag exploration (no more than 200 tags per folder), synchronization of changes with the Project Explorer window.
Simplified settings for Alarms and History
Improved and optimised association between the Sever resources and Tags: now with the ability to view, add or remove Tags directly from each resources (besides from the Tags List): Alarms, Historian, Dataloggers, Engineering Units, View.
In addition, was improved and extended the Table View
Enhanced Alarms Management
The new Alarm Management of version 4.0 is enhanced both in the editor and in the possibilities offered at runtime. There is both the possibility of knowing for each area information regarding alarms and active messages (On, Off, NotAck), and the possibility of using the statistical value of a variable to generate an alarm, including the total ON time useful for managing the preventive maintenance. In addition, editing of alarms is simplified by the fact of being able to add alarm thresholds directly by remaining in the “Alarms” tab. And the possibility has been added to enable and disable the sound (beep) of the alarms on each PC used to connect to a remote server or web client.
Expanded Historian Management
The Historian Management of the new version of Movicon.NExT has been expanded with some useful functions for the part of historicization and data visualization. New configuration form for database connections with SQL Lite support. There is the possibility to add and remove the tags to be historicized directly on the historian object, as well as to configure the name of the table in which to record the historical data of the historians. In addition, there is the possibility to customize the aspects of each column of a «DB Grid» object. If visible, if editable, whether to replace the value with text or an image, whether to display a title other than the name of the column. It is possible to select the data logger from which to retrieve data with the “Data Logger Window” object. In addition, an Automatic and General Scale is offered for Data Analysis and Trends for all pens displayed.
A renewed and more efficient Cross-Reference
A Cross-Reference enhanced and speeded up in research. As for the tags, it is now possible to identify the tags defined in the I / O Data Server not used in the project, and delete them. Connections have also been added, a list of connection strings to databases used throughout the project, and Strings, a list of all text strings used in the project with the possibility of: adding strings to the text table if not already present and to remove the strings from the text table, if no longer used.
Recipe Management renewed
A new Grid Viewer is available, which simplifies management for the operator. There is the possibility of placing the Data Values on the I/O Data Server Tags, freely manageable in the project, therefore it is no longer necessary to map the I/O Physical Address from the Server Tags. The Physical Address I/O Fields remain available only for backward compatibility and for atomic data download (excluded from the License). In addition, the configuration of the fields of a recipe has been simplified together with the import and export of recipes in CSV format.
Better Screen parametrisation
* (asterisk) character: simplifying the management of parametrised screens, by grouping the Tag to be parametrised within a folder. «Inherit Parameters» property in the screen open command: allowing to reuse all parameters while navigating from screen to screen (for example when opening popup screens from parametrised screens).
Enhanced FBD Editor
To increase the computing power in WebHMI systems, with the application of Function Block Diagram sequential logics: new data setting functions, new calculation functions, new special functions.
Extended System Variables
With additional information: number of users connected via Web Client, information about active alarms and messages (On, Off, NotAck), information about the redundancy system status, information about the I/O Data Server connection status, presence of alarm with sound (beep) on the I/O Data Server, ability to disable all alarms beeps on Client.
New features for Users Management
con ulteriori informazioni: Ability to define the language and the unit conversions to be activated upon log-in of a user or group of users. Ability to block a user in case of repeated log-in attempts with wrong password. New specific command to unlock a blocked user (or all users) by the administrator. Ability to send notification messages via dispatcher to users belonging to different groups or to a list of different groups.
Extended NExT Project Builder
Movicon.NExT Builder is an ad hoc assembly-build created to allow the manipulation of NExT projects through C#/VB.NET code, or through a script of the NExT project. Version 4.0 features more programmable resources, including: Events, Menus, Recipes, Schedulers, Shortcuts, Users. Together with several improvements in terms of speed while recursively accessing project tags.
ClickOnce setup, now also with NET license
ClickOnce is a minimalistic setup for Movicon.NExT clients. Version 4.0 also includes a ClickOnce setup, now with the ability to use a Net license, and not only a local one. ClickOnce setup can be customised based on one’s needs. Using a specific «Url» for the runtime download (Intranet or Internet). Management of the runtime versioning, through automated upgrade or downgrade. This Setup type is very useful for projects where the system administrator needs a tool to remotely manage the update policy of the NExT runtime used by operators and users to connect to the data handled by an I/O Data Server.
New Web Client SVG
The WebHMI technology makes available a new tool to remotely access a project, using a HTML5 browser. The new Web Client SVG technology is an addition besides the previous one, without replacing it.
A new command now allows the «deployment» of the new Web Server project which leverages the XAML to SVG graphics conversion, and the JavaScript functions on the Client side, thus overcoming the need for the Server to locally instance every user session. The new Web Client SVG processes the graphics locally to the Client browser, therefore enormously increasing the number of concurrent simultaneous users connections that can be handled. The technology used for a project needs to be chosen between:
Web Client WPF: Advantages: more complex graphics, more features, Scripts availability. Limitations: requires more processing power on the Server, limiting the number of concurrent connections as a consequence.
Web Client SVG: Advantages: simplified but faster graphics thanks to conversion to SVG, processing at Client’s end. Support for GeoScada maps. Virtually unlimited number of concurrently connected users.
Limitations: some graphics features of the Server are not supported, such as Scripts.
Simpler License calculation
No more need to start the Server in order to know the number of Tags used in the project, to determine the License size.
Now it is sufficient to access the menu: Options, License, Request License.
Revised and extended Help
The documentation has been enhanced, the topics reorganized, Tutorials and Examples added and the web portal improved.
An even more scalable architecture
With the introduction of the new SVG Web Client technology and support for WebHMI projects, which can also be run on small Windows or Linux devices, and can always be carried out with the same Movicon.NExT 4.0 environment, the flexibility of the platform further increases, making version 4.0 the most scalable SCADA/HMI/MES product on the market.
The New Project wizards have been improved and extended
In their functionality and now accessible from the startup window or from the system menu:
Local project, Distributed project, Redundancy project. All main configuration parameters, including communication transports, are already preset.
Style: Light or Dark?
The development environment can be viewed in light or dark mode, according to the system settings. The look, as well as the icons and images, adapts to the chosen setting simply by restarting the application.
A new development environment
The Movicon.NExT 4.0 development environment has been streamlined and redesigned based on these three criteria: Usability, Intuitiveness and Performance.
Reorganization of the System Menus
Ribbons in the previous version have been eliminated, replaced by Toolbars and a consequent reorganization of the System Menus with a view to simplicity and intuitiveness.
In particular, the Menus have an enabling and disabling of the commands according to the context. In addition, a special search and command execution box has been inserted.
A new Windows layout
A configurable window layout with saving possibilities, for a more comfortable and personalized management of the development environment. It is therefore possible to define multiple Layouts depending on the work mode, and it is possible to transfer a Layout configuration from one computer to another.
Particular attention to the new Easy Mode: all components of the development environment adapt by simplifying the work area, hiding the detailed and less used features.
An improved Symbol Library
The interface of the Movicon.NExT 4.0 Symbol Library has been improved.
The libraries have been rationalized: now only the System Library and the Project Library are present.
System Library: the “Digital” and “Analog” tabs are shown only if necessary.
Project Library: simplified insertion of a custom symbol (fewer mouse clicks)
Improved Animation and Command settings
The interface of the Graphic Animation or Command Settings assignment windows has been improved, by improving the navigation commands within the synoptics and simplifying the lists and their settings.
Screen editing has been simplified
A new context menu for objects has been created. It groups together all the functions of the selected element, even those of the “Adorner” menus.
It also allows a clear and quick editing of the object name.
The Object Explorer and Tag List Explorer windows have been redesigned and simplified, and the Status Bar has been revised, with the possibility now to specify the size and positioning of the objects on the synoptic.
Enhanced Project Explorer
The project explorer window now allows to explore and edit the I/O Data Server resources without having to open a new edit window. Improved performances when there are many items to show, thus the 200 items limit per group/folder on version 3.4 has now been removed. In addition, contextual menus have been inserted for the various resources. Full keyboard support for navigating the project’s tree elements: arrow keys and quick search by typing the item’s initials.
A redesigned Property Window
The management of the Properties of Objects and Resources is revised, simplifying access and searching for properties through logical groupings, orders, and other simplifications, such as:
«Advanced» properties subgroup, sorting by «Priority», new color selection panel, faster editing of Tag’s I/O address, improved performances when populating properties upon selection of an object, removed all popups when inserting a new object, with automatic display of the properties window. Reorganised the command and animation windows, graphic revision of «smart properties» for complex objects
Enhanced I/O Data Server Editor
Fast exploration of Tags, with no more limits (no more limited to max. 200 tags per folder).
The Settings Tab has been reorganized: Settings, Transport, Status, and SQLite support has been integrated: the compact database that does not require the installation of SQL Server is ideal for small applications.
Improved I/O Data Server Tag Editor
Hierarchy view with the Tag icons representing the data type In-line editing in the Tag Table View, Find / Replace function, fast and unconstrained tag exploration (no more than 200 tags per folder), synchronization of changes with the Project Explorer window.
Simplified settings for Alarms and History
Improved and optimised association between the Sever resources and Tags: now with the ability to view, add or remove Tags directly from each resources (besides from the Tags List): Alarms, Historian, Dataloggers, Engineering Units, View.
In addition, was improved and extended the Table View
Enhanced Alarms Management
The new Alarm Management of version 4.0 is enhanced both in the editor and in the possibilities offered at runtime. There is both the possibility of knowing for each area information regarding alarms and active messages (On, Off, NotAck), and the possibility of using the statistical value of a variable to generate an alarm, including the total ON time useful for managing the preventive maintenance. In addition, editing of alarms is simplified by the fact of being able to add alarm thresholds directly by remaining in the “Alarms” tab. And the possibility has been added to enable and disable the sound (beep) of the alarms on each PC used to connect to a remote server or web client.
Expanded Historian Management
The Historian Management of the new version of Movicon.NExT has been expanded with some useful functions for the part of historicization and data visualization. New configuration form for database connections with SQL Lite support. There is the possibility to add and remove the tags to be historicized directly on the historian object, as well as to configure the name of the table in which to record the historical data of the historians. In addition, there is the possibility to customize the aspects of each column of a «DB Grid» object. If visible, if editable, whether to replace the value with text or an image, whether to display a title other than the name of the column. It is possible to select the data logger from which to retrieve data with the “Data Logger Window” object. In addition, an Automatic and General Scale is offered for Data Analysis and Trends for all pens displayed.
A renewed and more efficient Cross-Reference
A Cross-Reference enhanced and speeded up in research. As for the tags, it is now possible to identify the tags defined in the I / O Data Server not used in the project, and delete them. Connections have also been added, a list of connection strings to databases used throughout the project, and Strings, a list of all text strings used in the project with the possibility of: adding strings to the text table if not already present and to remove the strings from the text table, if no longer used.
Recipe Management renewed
A new Grid Viewer is available, which simplifies management for the operator. There is the possibility of placing the Data Values on the I/O Data Server Tags, freely manageable in the project, therefore it is no longer necessary to map the I/O Physical Address from the Server Tags. The Physical Address I/O Fields remain available only for backward compatibility and for atomic data download (excluded from the License). In addition, the configuration of the fields of a recipe has been simplified together with the import and export of recipes in CSV format.
Better Screen parametrisation
* (asterisk) character: simplifying the management of parametrised screens, by grouping the Tag to be parametrised within a folder. «Inherit Parameters» property in the screen open command: allowing to reuse all parameters while navigating from screen to screen (for example when opening popup screens from parametrised screens).
Enhanced FBD Editor
To increase the computing power in WebHMI systems, with the application of Function Block Diagram sequential logics: new data setting functions, new calculation functions, new special functions.
Extended System Variables
With additional information: number of users connected via Web Client, information about active alarms and messages (On, Off, NotAck), information about the redundancy system status, information about the I/O Data Server connection status, presence of alarm with sound (beep) on the I/O Data Server, ability to disable all alarms beeps on Client.
New features for Users Management
con ulteriori informazioni: Ability to define the language and the unit conversions to be activated upon log-in of a user or group of users. Ability to block a user in case of repeated log-in attempts with wrong password. New specific command to unlock a blocked user (or all users) by the administrator. Ability to send notification messages via dispatcher to users belonging to different groups or to a list of different groups.
Extended NExT Project Builder
Movicon.NExT Builder is an ad hoc assembly-build created to allow the manipulation of NExT projects through C#/VB.NET code, or through a script of the NExT project. Version 4.0 features more programmable resources, including: Events, Menus, Recipes, Schedulers, Shortcuts, Users. Together with several improvements in terms of speed while recursively accessing project tags.
ClickOnce setup, now also with NET license
ClickOnce is a minimalistic setup for Movicon.NExT clients. Version 4.0 also includes a ClickOnce setup, now with the ability to use a Net license, and not only a local one. ClickOnce setup can be customised based on one’s needs. Using a specific «Url» for the runtime download (Intranet or Internet). Management of the runtime versioning, through automated upgrade or downgrade. This Setup type is very useful for projects where the system administrator needs a tool to remotely manage the update policy of the NExT runtime used by operators and users to connect to the data handled by an I/O Data Server.
New Web Client SVG
The WebHMI technology makes available a new tool to remotely access a project, using a HTML5 browser. The new Web Client SVG technology is an addition besides the previous one, without replacing it.
A new command now allows the «deployment» of the new Web Server project which leverages the XAML to SVG graphics conversion, and the JavaScript functions on the Client side, thus overcoming the need for the Server to locally instance every user session. The new Web Client SVG processes the graphics locally to the Client browser, therefore enormously increasing the number of concurrent simultaneous users connections that can be handled. The technology used for a project needs to be chosen between:
Web Client WPF: Advantages: more complex graphics, more features, Scripts availability. Limitations: requires more processing power on the Server, limiting the number of concurrent connections as a consequence.
Web Client SVG: Advantages: simplified but faster graphics thanks to conversion to SVG, processing at Client’s end. Support for GeoScada maps. Virtually unlimited number of concurrently connected users.
Limitations: some graphics features of the Server are not supported, such as Scripts.
Simpler License calculation
No more need to start the Server in order to know the number of Tags used in the project, to determine the License size.
Now it is sufficient to access the menu: Options, License, Request License.
Revised and extended Help
The documentation has been enhanced, the topics reorganized, Tutorials and Examples added and the web portal improved.