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Smartphone-based access control: Innovation with inductive power supply

A locking solution for passive outdoor control cabinets or telecommunication housings also referred to as multifunctional housing.

Smartphone-based access control: Innovation with inductive power supply

These are often found on the side of the road and are of enormous importance for the Internet connection of companies and private households. Due to the amount of data and the relatively simple possibility of tapping the contained connections, these control cabinets are attractive for saboteurs and hackers.

Deliberate destruction through vandalism is also commonplace. Therefore, it is all the more important to secure the technology contained in the switch cabinet with professional locking solutions, and for their physical protection, it literally depends on the right locking technology from EMKA.

Usually this is a swivel handle. In order to ensure controlled access for authorized persons, EMKA has now developed a solution in which the power supply is on-demand using an inductive power supply and the release is done via smartphone app (Bluetooth based). Administration and monitoring are done remotely using management software.

It is also feasible to define individual access authorizations via this software. The communication is based on Bluetooth ® Low Energy (BLE). The control centre thus recognises at what time someone tried to open the cabinet or housing. Several thousand locking systems can be managed in the remote-control system in this way. A real innovation that makes the so important control cabinets even safer.

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