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Danfoss Turbocor® high-lift compressors deliver energy efficiency to hotels and office buildings
Danfoss has expanded the portfolio of compressors with the new Danfoss Turbocor® TTH/TGH high-lift compressor. This new compressor allows customers to use oil free, magnetic bearing technology into demanding, high lift applications such as air-cooled chillers, heat recovery and heat pumps.

Danfoss Turbocor® high-lift compressors are available in two versions — a nominal 316-400kW (95-115 ton) model using R-134a or low GWP R-513A and a nominal 247-300kW (75-90 ton) model using low-GWP HFO-1234ze. Low GWP refrigerants R513A and HFO1234ze are available in order to provide an environmentally-friendly solution today that complies with evolving refrigerant regulations and standards around the world.
At the recent 2018 AHR Expo in Chicago, the Danfoss Turbocor® high-lift compressor was named a winner in the prestigious 2018 AHR Expo Innovation Awards in the Green Building category and the 2018 AHR Expo ‘Product of the Year’. This marked the 27th time Danfoss has been recognized in the Innovation Awards program and the fifth time for Danfoss Turbocor Compressors. More lately, the Danfoss Turbocor® high-lift compressor was awarded by MCE ‘Percorso Efficienza Innovazione’