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Digital platform launches first service to compare prices on robots

Businesses worldwide can now for the first time easily get offers and compare prices on products and services related to industrial robots.

Digital platform launches first service to compare prices on robots

The new service from will make it easier and cheaper for businesses to have a robot according to CEO, Søren Peters.

26 April 2021: Until today, there has been no easy way to compare prices on industrial robots and related services and products.

The global robotics hub is now solving this issue. The hub is launching a service for companies with robots to get offers on anything from components to maintenance, robot programming, and training. With several offers to hand, businesses can for the first time compare prices in an easy way.

“We want to make it easier and cheaper for businesses to have a robot,” says CEO of, Søren Peters.

New service connects the global robot market

The new service allows customers to send out requests to more than 15.000 suppliers of robot-related products and services. As with similar digital platforms known from other industries, solves a growing need for connecting buyers and sellers in one place online.

“We’re making it easier for customers to find the right suppliers and make sure they are paying a fair price,” says Søren Peters.

Many companies, for example, need to renegotiate service agreements on their robots after a certain period. By getting comparable offers from several suppliers, they make sure to get the best deal available on the market.

Digital platform launches first service to compare prices on robots
Søren Peters, CEO of

Most businesses lack market overview

It is the ambition of to change an industry lacking transparency. Currently, four out of every five businesses do not get offers from more than one supplier whenever they need something for their robot, research from shows.

“Without several comparable offers on the table, customers can’t know where to get the most favorable price and terms,” Søren Peters says.

On, businesses can now send out a request to suppliers for free in just a few minutes. Suppliers then send offers including price quotations to the buyer and the transaction is finalized on the platform.

“We want to make prices on the robot market transparent. This will help businesses save on procurement expenses – and make it less of a hassle to have a robot,” Søren Peters concludes.

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